Celebrating 50 Years of Earth Day


First celebrated in 1970, this year marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. While the idea of celebrating anything right now may seem tough, it might just be the perfect time to show our appreciation for Mother Earth. From clear waters in the Venice canals to views of the Himalaya’s in India for the first time in 30 years, the recent global slow down has shown us just how quickly the earth can heal. Yes, some of these changes will only be temporary, but hopefully we can use this time to create new habits that will continue to reduce our impact.


“Earth Day should not be seen as a deadline but rather a spark that inspires future action.”

- Earth Day Network



With a little more time on our hands these days, why not start incorporating small changes into our daily lives that will positively impact the plant? We can use this as a chance to turn our daily routines a little more green. We’ve put together six ways to not only make an impact on the earth, but also to improve your health and fitness AND de-stress. Have kids? Get them involved! There’s nothing better than teaching the next generation how to start caring for the planet now.


Plant a vegetable or herb garden, plant a perennial flower bed, plant some shade trees to help cool your house naturally in the summer, or simply give a few indoor plants a new home in your window sill!

BONUS: Compost kitchen scraps for use in your garden — turning waste into fertilizer!


2. Conserve water

We don’t want you to cut your hand washing short, but be conscious of reducing your water use in other common areas. Take a shorter shower and use a water-saving shower head. Fix leaky faucets. Run your dishwasher only when it’s full to save both water and energy.

3. Set up aN At Home recycling station

Grab three bins or boxes and label them for paper, plastic and glass. Rather than tossing everything in the trash, sort items into their appropriate places. Reduce your garbage by 10% and your carbon footprint by 1,200 pounds a year!

4. REUSE & repurpose

The goal here is to reduce single use items and waste. Start with reusable water bottles, coffee cups and food containers and then see how creative you can get! Pickle jar turned art supply organizer. Toothbrush turned jewelry cleaner. Egg carton or plastic drink container turned planter.


5. Drive less

Walk, bike, or rollerblade when possible. Organize your trips to the store so you don’t need to go as frequently. Reduce your carbon footprint by one pound for every mile you do not drive.

6. Switch off

Turn off lights when you leave a room. Turn off and unplug electronics you’re not using. Set a time to power down your computer, tablet, phone, etc. each night to not only save energy, but also to give your eyes and mind a reset!
